The School Sports Federation

“Worth it in sports” is a project held at
elementary schools across Israel to
introduce girls to activities in various sports,
empower them, and reinforce their athletic potential.

The project approaches elementary schools in order to give students an early introduction to various sports: football, handball, and track and field. At the end of the study day, each school performs an exercise in one of the sports mentioned. The choice of sport is made
by the authority, based on the requirement to choose sports with competitive teams and competitions in that authority.

Exercises are held at local authorities hosting the perject in order to encourage female students to continue experiencing sports, training, and finding new athletic skills.

Athena promotes broad-based programs at local authorities and sports associations, with support and assistance for empowering girls, young women, and women in sports. The program operates at dozens of authorities in about 40 elementary schools in Israel, reaching over 5,500 elementary students in various sports.

Athena strives to change public opinion, promote female leadership in sports, and create a wealth of athletic opportunities in order to allow Israeli girls and young women to realize their potential
in sports.

Want to help your students experience, enjoy, and promote a healthy and sporting lifestyle?

Contact: Lital Kamin
Athena Coordinator at the School Sports Federation